Sunday, March 28, 2010


hihihi .. hehehe ...

arini bace paper baru tau, penyakit haku nih normal. baru tau nama dia brontophobia. yer, penyakit phobia haku same ngan madonna. nampak kami macam ganaz kan, tapi yer, haku memang amat takut kalo ujan. dulu x teruk macam ni, sekarang jer. maybe sebab sekarang ni dok umah sensorang + apt haku tue bebtul tepi roundabout, so bunyi angin n kilat petir sangat kuat kalau nak hujan + umur makin banyak, so banyak sangat dosa, takut x sempat taubat. selalu kalau malam bunyi tue sumer start, aku memang x boley tido. aku akan duduk sambil tutup telinga sebab takut sambil pikir kalau bangunan nih runtuh, nanti orang akan carik mayat haku macam cerita2 kat tv.

nih info pasal ni (thanx to wikipedia) :


Astraphobia, also known as brontophobia, keraunophobia, or tonitrophobia, is an abnormal fear of thunder and lightning, a type of specific phobia.

A person with astraphobia will often feel anxious during a thunderstorm even when they understand that the threat to them is minimal. Some symptoms are those accompanied with many phobias, such as trembling, crying, sweating, panic attacks, the feeling of dread, and rapid heartbeat. However, there are some reactions that are unique to astraphobia. For instance, reassurance from other people is usually sought, and symptoms worsen when alone. Many people who have astraphobia will look for extra shelter from the storm.[1] They might hide underneath a bed, under the covers, in a closet, in a basement, or any other space where they feel safer. Efforts are usually made to smother the sound of the thunder; the person may cover their ears or curtain the windows. A sign that someone has astraphobia is a very heightened interest in weather forecasts. An astraphobic person will be alert for news of incoming storms. They may watch the weather on television constantly during rainy bouts and may even track thunderstorms online. This can become severe enough that the person may not go outside without checking the weather first. In very extreme cases, astraphobia can lead to agoraphobia, the fear of leaving the home.

selalu kalo nak ujan haku akan cube pujuk cici supaya jangan takut padehal haku yang takut!!! cet!!! ... musti cici n jojo gelak dalam ati setiap kali aku pujuk derang. tapi sekarang nih cuaca plak makin teruk, so makin teruklar phobia aku nih. dan saat paling teruk haritu siap bawak cici n jojo sekalik keluar umah sebab haku macam raser bangunan tu nak runtuh. padehal kalo ikutkan naek kete lagik bahaya. buleh???

daaaaa ...

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